Realizing the zeal of the women for taking up economic activities and their ability to utilize and repay loan funds, TKT took a biggest initiative in 2012 undergoing into agreement with NABARD Financial Services Ltd. (NABFINS) and started Micro-Finance activity. TKT worked rigorously at ground level and formed 629 groups of women – SHGs, linked them to NABARD’s micro finance service and achieving a big success of rural women’s economic independence. Till now 230 SHGs have been linked to NABFINS and Rs.7,54,20,000 been disbursed among the groups.
Empanelment As Business Facilitator
From this year (2014-2015), we have started Book keepers’ Training Programme for SHGs with the aim to strengthen and make it sustainable that make the SHGs more particular in their transaction activities. Also with regular update, it may encourage them in increase their savings and internal lending.
NABARD has sanctioned INR 50,000 this year and we have completed 5 programmes successfully as on date.